
To empower young people with vocational skills, mentorship, and financial support to unleash their entrepreneurial potential.


To create a resilient generation capable of shaping a brighter future for themselves, their community and future generations.


1. Trust & Transparency
2. Committed to change.
3. Excellence:
4. Empowerment

Sanyuka Afri-Youth Initiative

In a world that is constantly evolving, it is more important than ever to empower the next generation of leaders and visionaries.

We understand the incredible potential of vocational skills, Mentorship, social capital development, and financial assistance, and our organization is dedicated to unlocking the entrepreneurial spirit in young people.

By providing comprehensive support, we can eliminate obstacles to entrepreneurship and cultivate self-reliance, ultimately building a brighter future.

What We Do

Featured Programs

Ntongo Skills Development

Skilling youth with vocational skills and abilities to facilitate sustainable growth

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Momo Owo'butunda Initiative

An innovative journey that goes beyond selling fresh fruits.

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- Luumba Intiatiave (Revolving fund)
- Youth Mentorship
- Social Capital Development
- Mental health services
- Research & community engagement

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Our Mission

To empower young people with vocational skills, mentorship, and financial support to unleash their entrepreneurial potential.

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